Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hey semua,

Setelah Soesi post fotonya Starbucks di blog, Amis cemburu... hehe.. Jadi, ambil foto sendiri di dapur. Walaupun kopinya bikinin Amis, tetap ada cangkir Starbucks ;) Ini juga biar kalian tahu kabarku baik, walaupun ada banyak perubahaan...

Hope you're all doing good! Petho, any new video's with the band? Ade, met more famous people at Xtrans? Ikok, still rocking in the free world? Bob, how's the internet at Haji Harris? I'm still waiting for Nuki and Mariam's first post! And who knows.. maybe Nizam and Marian will join in as well...

Big kiss, si Amis

Friday, August 8, 2008

my first step

I've followed a oneday workshop about teaching, at The British Institute, today and this is kind of the first step for me to start with teach the children who wants to learn English, especially with Maryam, he he......


Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Starbucks, sekarang oma temukan Starbucks, jadi tidak mau minum kopi lain lagi... harus cepat kembali lagi ke Bandung.... Bahagia bertemu dengan anak-anak dan cucu-cucu. Oma jadi tidak mau pulang lagi ke negeri Belanda, tapi ya.. itu kehidupan. Mudah-mudahan kita ketemu dengan cepat ya? Cium dari oma buat semua