Monday, May 5, 2008

ladies.....and gents...... here is.... PEUTEUY!

I've been to PUNCLUT last Monday.... the place is so nice and have a very beautiful view of Bandung. Tempatnya terletak di Bandung Utara, jalan kaki lumayan jauh dan aduh........ nanjak....! saya hampir pingsan, he he....
disini banyak saung tempat kita duduk santai dan makan nasi timbel, komplit!

Peuteuy Mum.....!


Amis Boersma said...

Kapan kita ke sana??

luvlytascha said...

all of our family have to come there one day!!!

hope it will come true near in the future,I think it would be awesome!!

anyone agree?
