Thursday, July 17, 2008

good news

Dearest family..
I just want to inform you that last night the doctor came up with new result about what happend to Farel.
The TBC virus are negatif, Farel didn't infected by the virus.
he is only have a cold /flu.
it can be cure in few days.
I would like to thank you for all of your prayers & support for Farel cureness.
Oma..Thank you for the call.
and Mom..thank you for being there for me & Farel.
I love you all..
can't wait to be together next week!
see you soon.


Amis Boersma said...

Sweetest Teteh, Thank you for keeping us up-to-date... Juga di Mexico ada yang berdoa buat Farel (ini negara yang Katholic luar biasa jadi mungkin itu membantu juga haha). That´s GREAT news! Walaupun Mexico bagus sekali, saya cemburu sekali pada oma... Mau ikut juga! Have fun together!
Big kisss,

luvlytascha said...

ade selalu berdoa yang terbaik bwt semua anggota keluarga!!

selalu berpikir optimis bahwa kita semua akan selalu diberikan kenahagiian, kesehatan dan rezeki yang byak amiiin

semoga cepet sembuh ya farrel nya!!

love from aunty Ade

onat said...

Dearest Teteh.... sabar dan tawakal ya... walaupun kita berjauhan tapi do'a mamah akan selalu bersama teteh dan keluarga.

peluk cium,