Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ola dari Mexico

Hey keluargaku yang tercinta! Sekarang kami ada di Oaxaca, kota kecil di Mexico.. Kami sudah ke Canica (organisasi yang kami dukung disini - see my blog for more) dan besok adalah pesta besar yang bernama Guelaguetza. Beberapa kelompok akan mempertontonkon tarian lokal mereka. Kemarin mereka semua sudah menari keliling kota...

The other day at the market someone yelled ´Blanda´. I was shocked.. they couldn´t be speaking Indonesian?! Afterwards I found out a Blanda is a sort of tortilla, which you can buy there he he.. Some pictures of the Santo Domingo church in Oaxaca; so beautiful!


luvlytascha said...

so nice of you sharing your journey in Mexico!!

what a lovely picture!!

hope to see video of the party soon!!

have a nice trip you guys!!



marina said...

Hai Amis..
nice to see your face again..
hope you guys have a good trip in Mexico..
and I hope some day we can meet again..
please sent my regards to Michael ya Amis..

Love U..


onat said...

so we could buy Blanda in Mexico? well that's something! ha ha......

Have a nice time ya sayang....

lovely pics too....
